Tag: art

Blank Page

What in the world will I make? We’ve been busy this spring parts of it to the point of madness.  Now I find myself at a pause as spring activities pause and summer activities have not yet started …

Working from photos

How to make it work Working from photos isn’t ideal, but it allows me to work anywhere and at any time.  A photo doesn’t have all the color that real life would have but what it does have …

Success + exhaustion

I think these two words all too often go hand in hand.  To lead, to have a successful event especially when all of us are unpaid volunteers, means you’re in there doing.  You have the right people beside …

Hanging a show part 2

Nearly there This week, as I finish out the details to hang on Saturday, I’m collecting the final liability forms.  Most shows require some agreement.  Show volunteers do their best to protect and take care of your art but …

Are you ready for this?

Are we ever? I’m leading what has become a rather large undertaking that continues to grow and grow.   The mass behind our art show has grown and supposedly I am at the head. Or am I?  It’s …

Hanging a show part 1

Are you alone on this one? Hanging a show can take a lot longer then you think. If you’re alone try to spread out the prep work. Make yourself a list if your a list person. If you …

Busy and antsy?

Spring fever!! The sun is shining but your house and your life are a mess.  Seriously!  The schedule and life that you try to keep up with means that other details like cleaning and dishes are way out …

Time off

I’ve graduated and I’m not creating is that okay? Most College graduates I’ve known, including myself, took a year off from their art after they graduated.  There is a transition time between teachers telling you what to do …

On Stage? Yes, you can!

What happens when you’re asked to do live art for the first time? Just say yes! Will you be nervous?  Most likely!  But you’ll be ready.  So relax and have fun with your short moment of fame.  You …

All you need! Really!!

Think about it…  all you really need is a pencil and a bit of paper.  It’s as simple as that.  Art can happen anywhere and almost anytime. Yeah, I know, not while holding a squirming little toddler or …