Squeezed into a corner

This is real and it happens… So how do I move back into art

I’m at either the best or the worst time to blog about art:  Currently creating no art at all.

I was swept up in life: creating and mixing colors for house paint to sell our house, moving and shifting into a new house.  Then, we were hit with an unfortunate family accident, non fatal but terrifying, which took months to recover from.  I am now at 2 years without art and the inevitable has happened: Art Block.  It has been so long it feels like art has left my life.  No inspiration and no desire to sit at that drafting table and get down to work.  Bingeing on old TV series is my current addiction.

I’m human.  Really I have no excuses for myself.  There are no magic fixes to life or even how to get back into art.  I lost my beautiful art studio in our move and am now relegated to a corner of the living room.  It is a wise spot — the best spot for juggling kids, home-school, art and life.  Not glamorous but that’s not a big deal, art can be done almost anywhere.  After such a big shift in our life and the need to readjust, it’s normal to take a while to recapture momentum — that old work spirit to want to sit there and create.

I prefer to be positive because the opposite is failure, frustration or tons of negative that I don’t want in my life.  A positive attitude and an expectancy that it will come back works for me.

Back Burner is Ok

Several times a week the thought is in the back of my mind to do art, vague but there, even just looking at that drafting table.  It could be considered a negative but, on the flip side, that back burner pressure is a good thing because it does build.  This isn’t the first art block nor will it be the last.

Now, if I add some art books or like other artists on social media and just start surrounding myself with a little bit of art magic:  beautiful creations. The hope is that a flame will grow from that back burner and maybe it will become a reality into the push to create again.

I’ll get there.  It’s just going to take turning up that back burner a little hotter till it comes out in momentum.

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