Simple Layering

Liven up a basic building scene by adding Cadmium Yellow over the areas you want to highlight and Ultramarine Blue in the areas you want to recede

Then start to add your browns in increasingly darker values. Allow the layers to dry in between.

Then layer on a bit of Burnt Umber and Black.

I want the door to recede just like the side of the building so I use a duller tone (not so bright and vibrant): Ultramarine Blue, Black and Raw Umber.

And cool tones in the window for the shadowy interior: Ultramarine and Black.

Oxide of Chromium and Ultramarine Blue for the cool side of the building and then just Oxide of Chromium in various values in the front yard to create variety.

The boardwalk is a wash of Burnt Sienna and Burnt Umber in very light values and patterns and then Burnt Umber and Black to create the finished detailing.

A light wash of yellow green for the sign. Once that’s dry, I penciled in the lettering and then all I had to do is paint slightly to either side to create the effect of negative space around white lettering.

Then a light bit of Ultramarine Blue in the sky with a bit of water to soften in some clouds and the painting is complete.

The full time lapse demo can be seen on my youtube channel:

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