How to say NO


No ifs ands or buts…  Just say no!

Quite often the only way to release a commitment is to walk away for a time and take a breather.

The funny thing is: how in the world can someone so busy as myself right now even deign to give that advice.  Well, maybe others can learn from my distress, fatigue and decisions.

Here’s my story:

I love to be active, busy, and doing things.  I always have.  I was the type of student who got antsy just sitting around in the college dorm watching TV.  I’d pick up another work shift and another.  I still do that today in a way.

One thing builds into another and another…

We as a family love to get clothing for the homeless, then working in Kidz Klozet and then along came being asked to be the curator for the church.

Can I do all these things?  Yes, and fairly well, my professors put their hearts and souls into training us to be artists and setting up a gallery show and our family shops garages sales with a vengeance.  But then I need to pause and ask myself:  “Should I?”  On top of those volunteer positions I also home-school my children, have a infant son and am helping my husband rehab an abandoned house.

Here’s where it all hits the fan.  I am human!

Put too much on your shoulders and you will start to crumble or various aspects of your life will.  I am an educator.  When I mess up or don’t spend the proper time on teaching that affects my students.  I’ve been blessed with finding a very supportive homeschooling program at Sonlight and now K12 for the older ones but I see areas where I should be in there doing more for my students.  Right now they come first!

There are a lot of things that we cannot control:  We cannot control the attitudes of others namely my students; We cannot control rejections when we cry out for help;  We cannot even control deadlines and fines that come our way.

But I can control what I spend my time on and when I say “No. My plate is full.  I need to regain balance.”

My choice, my no, is I will no longer curate shows for the church we attend maybe for a time maybe permanently.  This busy time in my life may not last but right now the need is to refocus and find balance.  There is a chance that this part of my talent and time is over, maybe life is leading me in another direction.  All I know is that I need to take the first step and this is it:  saying no.

Take the first step!

What’s your first step:  To reengage, step in there, help out and get more involved so you can help to carry the load, or unplug, because this season in your life and those in your life, what you hold most dear, require it.

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