Busy and antsy?

Spring fever!!

The sun is shining but your house and your life are a mess.  Seriously!  The schedule and life that you try to keep up with means that other details like cleaning and dishes are way out of hand.  Then, on top of all the mess, spring is the season for art shows — Time to dust off your paints and get some art out there and your artistic self in circulation again.

Antsy to get out and enjoy the sun yet needing to clean, reorganize life and jump start your art.  What do you do first?

Take a deep breath!  

Don’t let yourself get tied up in knots.  Take one step at a time!  That’s all it takes to make it all happen.  Spring is the season to shake off winter and soak up sun and warmth in your life!

As much as you can try to get outside with your art.  Scoop up that pile of toys or clutter that is always out of hand and donate it or box it and put it away so you can enjoy one less thing to constantly be picking up.  As much as you can simplify, streamline the basic running of your household and enjoy the refreshing and rejuvenating warmth of spring in your life and your art.

If you’re behind in cleaning, try to choose one thing each day to clean.  By the end of a few days you’ll begin to feel your messy clutter slowly disappearing.

What about my art?

Let yourself have 30 min of art (at least) each day maybe do a series of quick sketches to showcase this year.  Art can still happen and you can have fun doing it even in a cluttered life.

If you can work in a visit to the park and sketch on site… Wonderful!  Choose a simple object or scene and quick sketch it.  Add a bit of color if you want to but keep it to 30 min.  Don’t stress about how well it will or is turning out.  Keep your hand loose and simply work.  Free yourself from the need to create a masterpiece every time.  See how much you can create within that time.

The next time, see if you can capture the lines just a little faster.

In between art moments, while you’re busy cleaning or in another area of life, think through what details are important in a scene and which aren’t.

Every time you allow yourself 30 minutes, you’ll find yourself focusing on what elements are most important to the mood or your artistic eye and be able to capture them faster and become surer of yourself.

Don’t get frustrated or give up!  

You’re doing art!  That’s the key!  It takes time and practice to increase your skill and your own vision and style of art.  Every little doodle is a valuable accomplishment in such a busy life.  Even a doodle can lead to an idea and an idea into something really big.  One step at a time is how you get there in the end.

Try to mix up all the “have to get it done’s” with a bit of “I want to” like art each day, soak up some rejuvenating sun and keep moving forward.

 Enjoy YOUR spring!  

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