Time off

I’ve graduated and I’m not creating is that okay?

Most College graduates I’ve known, including myself, took a year off from their art after they graduated.  There is a transition time between teachers telling you what to do and what to make and you finding your own pace and vision of what you want to create.

There’s also a heady feeling of getting away with laziness, done with school, on your own from parents and teachers, which is fun for a time but don’t stay away for to long!  You’ve worked hard learning a lot of skills and developing your talent.  Definitely, take a year off and relax.  Once that time is up, search out a competition you’d like to try for and see what you can create.  Or just start creating again!

In each piece you create, you’ll see your skill develop and mature beyond the college stage into a mature body of work.  That’s something beautiful and amazing to work for!  There will come a time several years down the road, after steadily working, that you’ll look back on your college body of work and be amazed at how far you’ve come.

You were good then and today, and every year you continue to work, your work will become better and better!

The goal isn’t just tomorrow but a lifetime of works of art!  So don’t worry about breaks and taking rests as life becomes too busy or you need a breather.  We all need a rest every now and again.  Focus on life’s big picture — a lifetime of art — and you will get there in the end little breaks and all!

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