Gala Time

Make it an EVENT!

People come for the atmosphere and to be a part of something, its that, just as much as seeing your work, that is the draw.  So, make the most of that atmosphere!  Music, finger food, whatever atmosphere means to you.  Make it an EVENT!

How do you organize?

If you can, delegate small tasks to people who know what they are doing or have a special interest in that area… Do It!  If music, ask someone who knows musicians to help even if its only to provide a few possible names.  Possibly line up someone who knows about wiring and sound to be on hand to advise.  If you’re new to the area or don’t have a lot of connections yet, see if you can put a flier up at the local college.  A gala doesn’t need a lot of music but a harp, guitar or any kind of live music can add a lot to the environment.  If you know people that can help, definitely ask and if not keep it simply to one or two instruments or hire a local hot group.  Expect to pay for this service either a modest honorarium to thank whomever you ask so you can honor the time and work that went into coming and being a part of your event or a full fee for a professional.  This is one thing your going to want to do right so don’t worry about the cost.  It’s all part and parcel to making it a success amazing EVENT for folks to come and be a part of!

How about food and drinks?

If it’s your first time, there’s always the desire to save money and do little homemade cookies or treats.  That works fine, just make sure to make more than two batches.  But, before you fire up the oven think it through.  You’ve got a lot to remember and a lot to do.  It takes a lot of work and small details to put up a good show and at the show you need to be looking your best, you are after all the host of the evening.  Food is one thing that can be purchased or delegated to volunteers leaving your shoulders free to focus on putting on the best show possible.

Don’t forget the invitations!

Post cards, fliers in local businesses, advertise in the local paper or arts community and get people talking about your event!  Fan the excitement level.  This is going to be awesome!  Believe in your EVENT and get others to start believing in it too.  If you believe it, your excitement, your friends and families excitement, will be infectious!

If you just put art on the walls and don’t invite or create an event people will not come.  Well, maybe mom and dad.  You’ll have spent time and work going into making a show for a small outcome.  So don’t be shy, make this an EVENT one that your friends are excited about and are excited to invite their friends to.  It’s like a domino effect.  If you have a great show and good atmosphere, several draws or reasons for people to come, something that makes people want to come.  They will come!

Make it count!  Making your Gala an EVENT will make it a success!

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