On Stage? Yes, you can!

mary and child

What happens when you’re asked to do live art for the first time?

Just say yes!

Will you be nervous?  Most likely!  But you’ll be ready.  So relax and have fun with your short moment of fame.  You can do it!

(This is Mary and Child my 20 min of on stage fame.)

How do you plan?

Decide what image or images best fit your theme.  If its a complex scene (or even simple) it may take time to do a few sketches.  It’s not cheating!  Just like every runner needs to warm up so does an artist.

Once you have your idea try it out a few times.  If you’re coordinating a program with another person, maybe they’re talking or singing as you draw be forewarned the other person or people may change their theme on you, so if the event is a year out don’t over plan.  Just get a basic idea down, something you know you can do, and relax.

As the month approaches revisit your ideas, check on the theme of the program.  Does your original idea work?  Tweak or change where needed and get started in earnest to planning.  Gather your models, whether live or photo images and practice the angles and layout.   What is the flow and movement of your piece?  Think about how much detail you will be adding and what details can be left out if you run short of time.  Practice, think, plan and practice more!

It may be a free-hand, live piece but there’s a lot of intentional thought into it’s creation.

Purchase all your supplies and think about how they will be positioned on stage.  Do you need a table, stand or stool to place them on?  The key is to have your supplies easy to access.  No mess and no fuss.  Save yourself that much trouble if you can.

Even if you’re not naturally a planner thinking through the details saves precious time during the performance and embarrassing mishaps.  Put little notations on your calendar to spread out the steps to make this event a success and leave you as stress free as possible.

Finally, if you can, practice in the size or nearly the size that you’ll use for the live performance, do so!  Set yourself up for success as much as you possibly can.  Sounds stressful?  No not at all!  Anything at all will do to practice.  Some of the kids butcher paper taped to the wall or their chalk board.  The trick is to simply practice the strokes.  Get the feel of shapes and lines in what will be your real space.

Slowly, inexorably the day will dawn.  Treat yourself to a hot shower to relax your muscles.  Everything is ready so no worries!

If you can bring a friend along to chat backstage with you and keep the nerves away.

Finally, it’s time!  There’s your cue.  Take a deep breath and go out there and have fun!  You are ready for this moment!



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